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Student Support Services » Permits


Garvey School District 

Garvey School District Inter/Intra Transfer “Permit” Requests are available online at the Garvey School  District website: Student Support Services Department. Please see below frequently asked questions related to the procedure of permits:

  1.  What types of permits do we offer?
          a.  What is an Intra-District Permit?
        • An intra-district transfer permit request is when parents/guardians wish to enroll their child at a school within the Garvey School District other than their designated school of residence. (Transfer from a GSD school to another GSD school). Requires District approval by Assistant Superintendent of Student Support Services.                
          b. What is an Inter-District Acceptance Permit?
        • An inter-district transfer permit acceptance request is when parents/guardians wish to enroll their child at a Garvey School District school instead of attending their designated school at their district of residence. The parent/guardians must obtain an inter-district release from the district of residence prior to completing the Garvey School District inter-district transfer acceptance permit request. Requires District approval by Garvey School District Assistant Superintendent of Student Support Services.               
          c. What is an Inter-District Release Permit?
        • An inter-district transfer permit release is when parents/guardians wish to enroll their child at a school outside of the Garvey School District other than their designated school of residence within the Garvey School District. The parent/guardians must obtain an inter-district release from the Garvey School District prior to completing an inter-district transfer acceptance permit request with another district. Requires District approval by Garvey School District Assistant Superintendent of Student Support Services.                 
  2.  Who approves a Pupil Transfer Request?
        •  All permits require District approval by the Assistant Superintendent of Student Support Services
  3.  Once approved how long is my permit valid?
    • Intra-district: Permits are valid for only one calendar school year and must be renewed annually.
    • Inter-district Acceptance: Once a permit has been granted, a student is not required to reapply with the outside district of residence until the student matriculates from elementary school. A renewal online application with our district is required.
    • Inter-district Release: Once a permit has been granted by the Garvey School District, a student is not required to reapply with the Garvey School District until the student matriculates from elementary school. 
  4.  What school should a student attend while waiting for a permit to be processed?   
    • All permits are processed on a first-come, first-served basis. Students must enroll/remain in their school of residence until there is a District approved permit. (This does not apply to students who are misplaced due to over-crowding).  When arrangements have been made between districts/schools, you may attend that school while awaiting to have your permit approved. 
 5.  Once approved, can a permit be cancelled or revoked?                                                                                     
    • A permit may be revoked at any time if the conditions of the permit are not followed. Please see terms and conditions below:
The policy of the Garvey School District is that each student attends his/her school of residence unless there are compelling circumstances that necessitate a change to another school. We trust this information is helpful to you.
Please submit the required documentation to Venessa Marquez at [email protected].
For any questions or concerns, please call (626) 307-3427 ext. 2271.
Please note: a copy of the submitted application will arrive in your email upon submission as your confirmation.
Review of completed 25-26 applications will start the ending of April; decision letters will arrive via the email provided on the application.
Thank you for your understanding and patience.
Please submit the required documentation to Venessa Marquez. at [email protected]
Any questions or concerns, please call (626) 307-3427 ext. 2271 
All applications must include a copy of documentation requested to support each reason provided. Below is a chart of documentation that must be attached to the application at the time of submission. Please note that incomplete applications will not be processed. Requests will be considered based on local board policies and on individual merit.
*If change of address has occurred; proof of new address must be submitted (recent utility bill or rental/lease agreement)
Reason for Request  Documentation Required
Child Care 
  • Proof of employment of all parents/guardians who are involved in the student’s life on a day-to-day basis
- Copy of a recent pay stub(s) 
- Letter on the employer’s stationery verifying schedule (hours and days) and location of employment if pay stub is not available
- If self-employed, letter stating schedule (hours and days) and location of employment
  • Child Care Form (attached to website) or Letter from the adult, center or organization providing child care which includes: Name, address and contact information of the adult, center or organization - Child care license number and fees, if applicable
  • Hours of operation for the center or organization, or hours that the student is under care
  • Length of time student has been under care by the adult, center or organization
  • Letter from parent/guardian explaining the circumstances that a permit is necessary
Parent Employment 
  • Proof of employment of all parents/guardians who are involved in the student’s life on a day-to-day  basis
- Copy of a recent pay stub(s)
- Letter on the employer’s stationery verifying schedule (hours and days) and location of employment if paystub is not available
- If self-employed, letter stating schedule (hours and days) and location of employment
  • Letter from parent/guardian explaining the circumstances that a permit is necessary under  parent employment reasons
  • Name, grade and school where the sibling attends (sibling must already attend the proposed district of  attendance)
  • Copy of the sibling’s last report card
  • Copy of the sibling’s release permit (for Inter-district applicants)
Health & Safety 
  • Letter or report from a doctor, psychologist, or other appropriate person verifying health-related issues  (if applicable)
  • Police or school report supporting safety-related issues (if applicable)
  • Letter from parent/guardian explaining the circumstance that a permit is necessary under  health and safety reasons
Specialized Program 
  • Copy of the flyer, brochure, or other informational material detailing the specialized program in which  the student is interested
  • Letter from parent/guardian expressing the extent of the student’s interest in the specialized program, and how the program is either unavailable or not comparable at the district of residence
  • Copy of the student’s last report card (Inter-district permits only)
  • Letter from parent/guardian stating the enrollment history (grade and school/district) of the student  since kindergarten (Inter-district permits only)
  • Copy of release from the school district of residence (for Inter-district permits only)
  • Proof of address (utility, rental/lease agreement) for Inter applicants and if any changes have occurred
Final Year 
  • Copy of the student’s last report card (Inter-district permits only)
Change in Residence 
  • Copy of escrow documents or rental agreement
Social Adjustment 
  • Letter from parent/guardian stating the situation 
Kindergarten Placement
  • Request from a student in an outside district to attend Transitional Kindergarten in Garvey School  District.
Dual Language Plus  Program
  • Approval by District office
  • A permit is granted or denied per the terms and conditions stipulated in board policy.
  • Once an inter-district permit is granted, a student is not required to reapply unless an agreement between the governing boards of the district of residence and the district of enrollment states otherwise.
  • A permit may be revoked at any time by the district of enrollment for the following reasons:     
          - Student is excessively tardy or absent from school, or student is brought to school excessively early or picked-up excessively late.
          - Student fails to uphold appropriate behavior standards.
          - Student fails to make appropriate academic efforts.
          - False or misleading information was provided.
          - Classroom becomes overcrowded.
          - Other conditions that occur that would render continuance inadvisable, such as failure on the part of the parent/guardian to cooperate with school/district officials.
  • Approval is subject to space availability in the district and may not be at the site requested.
  • Students who are eligible for Special Education Services may be asked to obtain an Inter/Intra-SELPA Agreement for Individuals with Exceptional Needs, in addition to the Inter-district Permit.
  • The parent/guardian is responsible for providing transportation to and from school. 
Please submit the required documentation to Venessa Marquez. at [email protected]
Any questions or concerns, please call (626) 307-3427 ext. 2271