Paul Duran, President
Trustee Area: 5
Mr. Paul Duran is currently the chair of the Beautification Commission for the City of Rosemead and Vice-President of Programs for the Garvey Council PTA. He was previously a delegate for the 49th Assembly District of California and held numerous leadership positions for both Garvey Council PTA and school PTAs for the Garvey School District. Mr. Duran has had a passion for serving his community for decades. He was appointed to the Garvey Board of Education in 2022, re-elected in 2024, and is currently serving a 4-year term. He has three children in the Garvey School District. His vision is for his children and every student in the Garvey School District to receive a quality education while focusing on the life skills that are relevant in the 21st century in a safe and secure environment. Mr. Duran is a graduate of Platt College in Los Angeles. He received a B.S. degree in Diagnostic Medical Sonography with an emphasis on healthcare management.Andrew J. Yam, Vice President
Trustee Area: 1
Mr. Andrew J. Yam was appointed to serve on the Garvey School Board in 2022. Prior to his appointment to the board, he has been a lifelong volunteer in the Monterey Park community serving on the Monterey Park Library Board of Trustees and the Community Participation Commission. Mr. Yam is also the youngest City Commissioner appointed to the Monterey Park Library Board of Trustees in the City’s history. He is a lifelong resident of Monterey Park having attended local public schools in the City. Mr. Yam received his undergraduate degree from the University of California, Irvine (UCI) and is currently pursuing his Master of Public Policy degree at the University of Southern California (USC).Maureen Chin, Board Member
Trustee Area: 4
Mrs. Maureen Chin currently works in the Alhambra Unified School District and previously worked at Garvey School District. She was elected to the Garvey Board of Education in 2013, and was re-elected in 2020. Born and raised in Los Angeles, Mrs. Chin holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from California State University, Los Angeles. She has lived in the city of San Gabriel for 20 years with her husband and two children. Her daughter is currently a student in the Garvey School District and her son is a former student of the Garvey School District. Mrs. Chin has been actively involved as a parent and volunteer. She is currently the PTA President at Garvey Intermediate and served as PTA President at Monterey Vista the year prior. Mrs. Chin is passionate about education and is committed to working with the district and community to ensure a successful and meaningful education for all students in this unprecedented time.
John H. Nuñez, Board Member
Trustee Area: 2
Mr. John H. Nuñez was elected to serve a four-year term as a Governing Board Member of the Garvey Board of Education in 1981, and re-elected in 1993, 2017 and 2024. Mr. Nuñez has been serving on the L.A. County Committee on School District Organization (First District) for the past 29 years. He has also dedicated considerable effort to community service work through a wide variety of projects, boards and offices. Highlights include: serving as Board Member for Alhambra Education Foundation, Board Member for Alhambra Unified School District, Mayor Pro Tem and Councilmember for Rosemead City Council, Regional Representative for San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments’ Committee on Energy and Human Development, 31st Congressional District Chair for the National School Boards Association’s (NSBA) Federal Government Relations Committee, Delegate Assembly for the California Schools Boards Association (CSBA, Region 23-A), Director and Committee Member of the Los Angeles County School Trustees Association (LACSTA, District 9), and Co-President of the Garvey Council PTA. He also received two PTA Honorary Service Awards, and the Golden Apple Award from the Association of California School Administrators (ACSA).